Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bethel Church 5/7/10

Jul 5 (3 days ago)
Hello again, I do apologize if the many emails I have sent bother you. I do realize I have sent so many emails and photos in one short time. In this email I want to share some good news for Bethel church. but also share some brief sad one.
The good news is:
1. Yesterday Sunday (although I was not there) one of the notorious witch woman got saved at Bethel. Andrew the chairman of the church asked her to walk in front which she did and she was led to Jesus. Unfortunately there was not photo taken. She left every one amazed of what we do to win people like that woman to Jesus. She had done some harm to even people in church (poisoning and killing their family members). This is everywhere in Mooni about her. There we simply say Ebenezer, that far God has brought us.
2. The children we sponsor have brought us a lot of Joy. Ian and Tash you know the boy at Bethel called Anthony, you also know Carol and Dinner. All sing in the choir and are on our programme (some Jenga helps). All these children are in Wanale SSS. All the three mentioned above stood for high positions in that school with over 1100 children. Anthony is the head boy of the school, Dinnah is the vice Head girl, and carol is the general secretary of the entire school. We are so proud as a church. These are meant to be children with a low self esteem, but how God has turned them in better children who can stand and win votes of thousands is such good news to us.
Sad news:
1. You remember the time when 7 men got saved at the same time. one of them was called Juma who is now Jimmy. After salvation of course this man was chased away by his family, so he has not family relatives. Also his wife left, that is because he had not paid the bride price; so the muslim parents of the wife took her back. She left him with three children. The oldest (about 10 years) has died. The worst about this is that the man has no place to burry, now it is the bethel’s responsibility to help as we are the only relatives he has. That is the sad news. Pray for Jimmy as one of his close 3 relatives (children) has passed aways.
That all for now.

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